Sherry Frazzelle is back to being Sherry Oliveri, her divorce all but final and her new life in full swing. Her part-time job is helping her father with his hooked-rug business, and her full-time passion is competitive cooking. But murder is about to rock their little Connecticut town . . .
Erno Oliveri made sure to be on set for his daughter's cook-off appearance on Sunny Side Up with Brett and Carmell. Or as it's now known, Sunny Side Up with Carmell and Brett--since the ambitious young Carmell seems to have the producer and station owner eating out of her hand. But the important news is that Sherry has bested the competition with her Spicy Toasted Chickpea and Almond appetizer and clinched the spatula-shaped trophy. It's her shining moment--until everything goes dark.
A quick-moving storm has knocked out power to the studio--and when the lights come back up, Carmell is at her desk with a sharp object lodged in her neck. The weapon is an unusual tool, used by craftsmen who make hooked rugs. Has someone taken corporate backstabbing to a new level, and framed Erno in the process? If Sherry's going to protect her dad and their family name, she has to find out where he was when the lights went out . . .
Phew another hot tale from the cook off camp! Sherry is taking place at a local cook off, being held by the local cable TV company, this means that her father can take a couple of hours off from running the hooked rug store and come along for support, just as they are packing up to leave (with Sherry clutching the trophy and a cheque!) the power is knocked out by a storm, a few minutes later when it comes back one of the presenters is lying slumped over, with a implement used for rug making stuck in her!
Now with Sherry's father, Erno, as suspect number one Sherry needs help from her friend Amber and she needs to keep the local detective from arresting her father! Oh and just to add a strange twist to the mix, there are potential problems with the commemoration of the town's founding, which Sherry also needs to sort out - is there any wonder her social life is currently non-existent!