Autumn has arrived on the shores of Lake Michigan, but Marlee Jacob, proprietor of The Berry Basket, is feeling a chill for other reasons …
With the Harvest Health Fair in full swing, Marlee makes sure to stock up on elderberry products for cold and flu season. But this year there's also a run on mulberry when an eccentric customer wants to use the dried berries to ward off evil forces. True, it's almost Halloween, but something else seems to be spooking Leticia the Lake Lady, Oriole Point's oddest resident. She believes someone plans to kill her—and the ghost. Only mulberries can protect them. Marlee doesn't take her fears seriously until a man named Felix Bonaventure arrives in the village, asking questions about a mysterious woman.
The next day, Marlee finds Bonaventure dead on Leticia's property—shot through the heart with an arrow made of mulberry wood. And Leticia has disappeared. Marlee soon learns the Lake Lady has a deadly past that is connected to the famous Sable family who are in town for the health fair. A bunch of clues start to come together—and figuring out what's going on puts Marlee in a real jam …
An Interview With A Character
What is your full name?
Marlee Angela Jacob. I have a Dutch surname since my father’s family emigrated from Holland in the 19th century. My middle name honors my mom’s side of the family, along with my lovable “Nana” Angela Rossi. However, blame my English professor mother for my first name. A lover of Dickens, she was rereading A Christmas Carol when she went into Labor on Christmas Eve and whimsically decided to name me after Ebenezer Scrooge’s business partner. There are times I think she regrets her decision, but she’d never admit it.
What is your Profession?
Former TV producer of cooking shows for the Gourmet Living Network in NYC. I found myself in the Big Apple when I attended New York University as a marketing major. My return to Michigan was put on hold when a number of job opportunities came my way after graduation, including several successful years at the Gourmet Living Network. That came to a halt when one of the celebrity chefs on a show I produced decided to murder her husband. After a lurid murder trial, I decided it was time to move back to Oriole Point, Michigan where I opened up The Berry Basket. Because this part of coastal west Michigan is known as a fruit belt, a berry-themed emporium seemed the perfect choice. Besides, I LOVE berries.
What is your current favourite book or movie?
My fellow shopkeeper Denise Redfern and I never miss a super-hero movie. Wonder Woman is my current favorite. Saw it four times at the theater, and many times on dvd. May Wonder Woman – and Gal Gadot – live forever.
My current favorite book is:
Kevin Kwan’s Crazy Rich Asians trilogy. The books are even funnier and more entertaining than the movie. And who knew rich people were this rich!!
What is your go to comfort book or movie?
I spent years producing cooking shows, which turned me into a huge admirer of Julia Child. I also love Meryl Streep so Julie and Julia is the perfect cinematic storm for me.
As for comfort books, I’d have to say the entire Harry Potter series. I grew up waiting at bookstores at midnight (with my mother) when the latest Harry Potter novel was released. I’ve read them all many times, especially Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
If someone was to play you in a movie who would it be? OR what would be the character you would want to be in a book?
A 30-year-old Sandra Bullock. And I’d love to be Alice in the Twilight books. Alice is stylish, powerful, vivacious, pretty, and gifted. Also she’s a member of the Cullen family, my favorite family in fiction.
What is your ideal evening?
Pizza with friends while we sit in my Adirondack chairs overlooking Lake Michigan and watch the sunset.
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September 8 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – AUTHOR INTERVIEW