The town of Wrensdale is abuzz with excitement when Steeltop Foods sponsors a cooking contest to promote its new product, the Flavor Dial. With a $25,000 prize at stake, all the contestants are on edge, including Talia Marby, owner of Fry Me A Sliver. She hopes her mini deep-fried apple pies will win her the money to pay off the renovations on her restaurant. But when Norma Ferguson wins with her flaky-top chicken stew, the tensions dial up even more.
After Norma is found dead at her cooking station, the police suspect a losing contestant got a little too hot under the collar. Now it’s crunch time as Talia works to catch the killer and clear her name before another cook gets burned.
In the the third (and sadly final) outing for the deep fried mysteries Talia is elbow deep in batter and murder again!
Talia and others in Wrensdale have entered a cookery competition and when it is whittled down to the last 6 Talia is one of them, sadly she doesn't get into the top three, but a friend of hers (Crystal) from a neighbouring shop does (only to come second), sadly Norma (the winner) doesn't get too long to bask in glory as shortly afterwards she is found dead, and even more worrying than that (from the point of view of Fry Me A Sliver) Lucas one of Talia's staff is also attacked and is now in a coma. But this is nothing compared to the stunned feeling they have when Crystal is arrested for both crimes.
Now Talia needs to sift the clues, dodge around the Police, try and ignore the fact that her boyfriend seems to drifting away, and find out who attacked two people as she is sure that Crystal didn't, meaning the murderer is walking free and if Lucas comes around and can say who attacked him, well the worrying thing is that the murderer wouldn't allow Lucas to survive!